Mutchler, Alfred James Jr., Born on April 29, 1931 died after a long fruitful life. He was predeceased by his daughter, Donna Slotter. He leaves a legacy of four children; sons, William and Jim, daughter, Pat Gayfield, 8 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. They will always remember their father and grandfather with loving memories. In his life he wore many hats including being an avid bocce player, 33 years in the Newspaper and Mail Delivers Union and a lengthy service as a Stanhope, NJ volunteer fireman including Fire Chief for several years. He was also an entrepreneur as an owner of a travel agency. He was predeceased by his wife of 55 years, Barbara. They were world travelers and their favorite destination was New Zealand. They could be found cruising and dazzling the ballroom floor together. The family is comforted knowing that their dance can continue into eternity.